Torsdag Stor

Nine Thursdays and one Friday at 19.00

Clusters of masterpieces. Torsdag Stor is the series featuring a multitude of the most beloved works from music history, the music we eagerly listen to time and time again. Additionally, music by a composer crafting contemporary masterpieces: Scottish Sir James MacMillan in the International Composer Festival.


1.800-3.500 SEK incl. concert programmes

Benefits with a subscription:

A subscription makes it easy, plus it is the key to a number of benefits. We want you to thrive and let Konserthuset Stockholm become your extra living room.

  • 25 percent off the tickets in your subscription.
  • Your own seat in the auditorium.
  • 15 percent off tickets to most concerts outside of your subscription – take this chance to discover more!
  • Priority when our tickets are released.
  • Exclusive special offers.
  • The programme is included in the subscription and handed out at the concert.
  • The Lyssna magazine (in Swedish), for free in your mailbox, or as a digital magazine to your e-mail.
  • Easy renewal with a guaranteed seat for the upcoming season.

Concerts included in the subscription

  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    Phenomenal Augustin Hadelich is the soloist in a beloved violin concerto and Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft conducts an equally beloved symphony.

    Thursday 24 October 2024 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    Sir James MacMillan is the composer of the year and Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft opens the festival.

    Thursday 14 November 2024 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Vocal music

    The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, the Eric Ericson Chamber Choir and soloists in the first three parts of Bach's wondrous music.

    Thursday 19 December 2024 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    Prokofiev and Poulenc with conductor Tabita Berglund and the charismatic Jussen brothers.

    Thursday 16 January 2025 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    The critically acclaimed violinist Inmo Yang debuts in much-loved music.

    Thursday 30 January 2025 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    The vibrant Jess Gillam is the saxophone soloist, and Dalia Stasevska conducts.

    Thursday 20 February 2025 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Vocal music

    Nina Stemme together with Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft in dramatic and masterful music.

    Thursday 13 March 2025 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    Franz Welser-Möst in music by youthful Schubert and adventurous Strauss – with cowbells and wind machine.

    Friday 25 April 2025 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    The distinguished violinist Maxim Vengerov is the soloist, and Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft leads the orchestra.

    Thursday 8 May 2025 19.00

Previous conserts in the series

  • Thursday 12 September 2024 19.00 Watch for free on Konserthuset Play