Ryan Bancroft. Photo: Yanan Li
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Six Wednesdays at 18.00 (approx. 1 hour, no intermission)
Six concerts that begin early and have short runtimes: one hour with no intermission. Here, you'll find a perfect blend of familiar pieces and surprises – the music you didn't know you’d love.
900-1.740 SEK incl. concert programmesBenefits with a subscription:
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Concerts included in the subscription
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft leads the orchestra in vibrant and brilliant music.
Wednesday 19 March 2025 18.00Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft. Photo: Yanan Li
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo: Nadja Sjöström
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic OrchestraTchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony
Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft leads the orchestra in vibrant and brilliant music.
Wednesday 19 March 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.00Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
The link has been copied https://stko01mstr2eq3pprep.dxcloud.episerver.net/en/programme/calendar/concert/2025/tchaikovskys-fifth-symphony/20250319-1800/The event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Tchaikovsky composed his fifth symphony during a few summer months in 1888. He had complained of lacking inspiration in the spring: "Am I burned out? No ideas, no desire?" But the fifth became a vital, emotionally charged, and in many respects brilliant symphony. It premiered under the composer's direction at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg in November of the same year.
The concert begins with Swedish composer Andrea Tarrodi's Liguria, music that takes us on a journey between five small fishing villages clinging to the cliffs along Italy's northwestern coast.
The music
Approximate times -
Andrea Tarrodi Liguria10 min
Pyotr Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 550 min
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Ryan Bancroft conductor
Wednesday 19 March 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.00Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft conducts music that triumphs over darkness.
Wednesday 7 May 2025 18.00Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft. Photo: Yanan Li
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo: Nadja Sjöström
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic OrchestraSchumann's second symphony
Chief Conductor Ryan Bancroft conducts music that triumphs over darkness.
Wednesday 7 May 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.10Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
The link has been copied https://stko01mstr2eq3pprep.dxcloud.episerver.net/en/programme/calendar/concert/2025/schumanns-second-symphony/20250507-1800/The event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Full of inspiration, Robert Schumann began work on his second symphony in early December 1845. However, his depressions, poor health, and constant tinnitus meant that it wasn't until the following autumn that the symphony was completed. Yet, his severe personal condition has not left its mark on the music at all; instead, the symphony is bright and forward-looking, a resounding triumph over the darker aspects of life.
The concert begins with the Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho's hypnotically evocative Ciel d’hiver, Winter Sky – an arrangement of a part of her orchestral work Orion. The music is inspired by the Greek myth of the hunter Orion, who was transformed into a constellation. Saariaho's music possesses a strange beauty that makes her unique, and she is considered one of the most significant composers of our time. Saariaho passed away in 2023, and ten years earlier, she was awarded the Polar Music Prize.
The music
Approximate times -
Kaija Saariaho Ciel d’hiver10 min
Robert Schumann Symphony No. 237 min
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Ryan Bancroft conductor
Wednesday 7 May 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.10Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Emilia Hoving leads the orchestra in a Finnish programme featuring the master and the pupil.
Wednesday 28 May 2025 18.00 ●Watch for free on Konserthuset Play ●Watch for free on Konserthuset PlayRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo: Nadja Sjöström
Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic OrchestraSibelius Third Symphony
Emilia Hoving leads the orchestra in a Finnish programme featuring the master and the pupil.
Wednesday 28 May 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.00Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
● Livestream
Watch the concert at Konserthuset Play.
The link has been copied https://stko01mstr2eq3pprep.dxcloud.episerver.net/en/programme/calendar/concert/2025/sibelius-third-symphony/20250528-1800/The event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.A Finnish program featuring the young Finnish conductor Emilia Hoving. She was named Newcomer of the Year by the Finnish critics in 2021, the same year she made her debut with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. She has studied with Sakari Oramo, the Conductor Laurate of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and former chief conductor.
Finnish-Swedish composer Ida Moberg – ”Finland's first female symphonist” – has only recently begun to receive recognition. She studied composition with her contemporary Sibelius and composed over 100 works. Her music is influenced by both spiritual and anthroposophical interests, and the orchestral suite Soluppgång (Sunrise) is not only inspired by nature but also a contemplation of human existence. The first movement of the suite was premiered by the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra at the Nobel Prize Ceremony in 2022.
Sibelius's first two symphonies are often described as national-romantic, but Symphony No. 3 from 1907 represents something entirely different. The music partly reverts to older musical forms and characteristics, but the third and final movement still breaks away from simple descriptions with its enigmatically shifting moods.
The music
Approximate times -
Ida Moberg Sunrise - Orchestral Suite18 min
Jean Sibelius Symphony No. 330 min
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Emilia Hoving conductor
Wednesday 28 May 2025 18.00
Ends approximately 19.00Save in calendarThe event has been downloaded Open the file saved on your device to add it to your digital calendar.Price:
130-385 SEK50% discount for those 26 and under. 10% discount for students, pensioners and the unemployed. 15% discount for subscribers.The Main Hall currently has capacity for 1,770 people, spread across the stalls, first and second balconies and choir balcony. Each floor can be accessed by lift or the stairs. Due to the location of pillars, a number of seats have a fully or partially restricted view. These are indicated in the booking system. The hall has six wheelchair places.
● Livestream
Watch the concert at Konserthuset Play.
Previous conserts in the series
Smetana and Dvorák
Wednesday 9 October 2024 18.00
Place: The Main Hall
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Ruth Reinhardt conductor
The music
Bedrich Smetana Moldau
Antonín Dvorák Symphony No. 7
Beethoven and Nielsen
Wednesday 20 November 2024 18.00
Place: The Main Hall
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Alan Gilbert conductor
The music
Ludwig van Beethoven Coriolan, Overture
Carl Nielsen Symphony No. 2 "The Four Temperaments"
Beethoven and Pejacevic
Wednesday 29 January 2025 18.00
Place: The Main Hall
- Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
- Jirí Rozen conductor
The music
Ludwig van Beethoven Egmont Overture
Dora Pejacevic Symphony in f sharp minor